What is java programming

What is Java ? It is general-purpose, high level,object oriented programming language. It is developed by James Gosling. It is developed at Sun Microsystems in 1995 History of Java ? James Gosling and his team started to work on java for a client's set top box project in 1991. The first version of java (java 1.0) is released in 1995. First name of java is Oak next goes to Green and finally becomes JAVA. Java is the name of Coffee Seed. features of Java ? Platform Independent:Java is called platform independent because a java program can be run on different kind of platform for example Window os,Linux os etc. Object Oriented:Java supports object oriented programming structure so it is called object oriented. Security:Java is more secure language as compare to other programming language. Flexible:An application developed in java can be modified as per user requirement so it is called flexible programming language. Portable:A java program written in one system can be run in any other system.In simple a java program can be transferred from one system to another. Mutlithreading:In java we can perform more than one task simultaneously so it is called Multithreading. Simple:Java is very simple and easy to learn. Application of Java ? It is used to develop Window Application. It is used to develop Web Application. It is used to develop Android/Mobile Application. It is used to develop Embedded System for example SIM card,Television etc. It is used to develop Scientific Application for example MATLAB. It is used to develop Games. It is used for Database Connectivity. Why Use Java ? It is very simple and easy to learn. It powerful,fast and secure. It can be run on different kind of platform for example Window,Mac,Linux etc. It is free and open source. in T he best way to learn a new programming language is to build projects. I have created a list of 40 beginner friendly project tutorials in Vanilla JavaScript, React, and TypeScript. My advice for tutorials would be to watch the video, build the project, break it apart and rebuild it your own way. Experiment with adding new features or using different methods. That will test if you have really learned the concepts or not. You can click on any of the projects listed below to jump to that section of the article. Vanilla JavaScript Projects How to create a Color Flipper How to create a counter How to create a review carousel How to create a responsive navbar How to create a sidebar How to create a modal How to create a FAQ page How to create a restaurant menu page How to create a video background How to create a navigation bar on scroll How to create tabs that display different content How to create a countdown clock How to create your own Lorem ipsum How to create a grocery list How to create an image slider How to create a Rock Paper Scissors game How to create a Simon Game How to create a Platformer Game How to create Doodle Jump How to create Flappy Bird How to create a Memory game How to create a Whack-a-mole game How to create Connect Four game How to create a Snake game How to create a Space Invaders game How to create a Frogger game How to create a Tetris game React Projects How to build a Tic-Tac-Toe game using React Hooks How to build a Tetris Game using React Hooks How to create a Birthday Reminder App How to create a tours page How to create an accordion menu How to create tabs for a portfolio page How to create a review slider How to create a color generator How to create a Stripe payment menu page How to create a shopping cart page How to create a cocktail search page TypeScript Projects How to build a Quiz App with React and TypeScript How to create an Arkanoid game with TypeScript Vanilla JavaScript Projects If you have not learned JavaScript fundamentals, then I would suggest watching this course before proceeding with the projects. Many of the screenshots below are from here. How to create a Color Flipper In this John Smilga tutorial, you will learn how to create a random background color changer. This is a good project to get you started working with the DOM. In Leonardo Maldonado's article on why it is important to learn about the DOM, he states: By manipulating the DOM, you have infinite possibilities. You can create applications that update the data of the page without needing a refresh. Also, you can create applications that are customizable by the user and then change the layout of the page without a refresh. Key concepts covered: arrays document.getElementById() document.querySelector() addEventListener() document.body.style.backgroundColor Math.floor() Math.random() array.length Before you get started, I would suggest watching the introduction where John goes over how to access the setup files for all of his projects. How to create a Counter In this John Smilga tutorial, you will learn how to create a counter and write conditions that change the color based on positive or negative numbers displayed. This project will give you more practice working with the DOM and you can use this simple counter in other projects like a pomodoro clock. Key concepts covered: document.querySelectorAll() forEach() addEventListener() currentTarget property classList textContent How to create a Review carousel In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a carousel of reviews with a button that generates random reviews. This is a good feature to have on an ecommerce site to display customer reviews or a personal portfolio to display client reviews. Key concepts covered: objects DOMContentLoaded addEventListener() array.length textContent How to create a responsive Navbar In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a responsive navbar that will show the hamburger menu for smaller devices. Learning how to develop responsive websites is an important part of being a web developer. This is a popular feature used on a lot of websites. Key concepts covered: document.querySelector() addEventListener() classList.toggle() How to create a Sidebar In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a sidebar with animation. This is a cool feature that you can add to your personal website. Key concepts covered: document.querySelector() addEventListener() classList.toggle() classList.remove() How to create a Modal In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a modal window which is used on websites to get users to do or see something specific. A good example of a modal window would be if a user made changes in a site without saving them and tried to go to another page. You can create a modal window that warns them to save their changes or else that information will be lost. Key concepts covered: document.querySelector() addEventListener() classList.add() classList.remove() How to create a FAQ page In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a frequently asked questions page which educates users about a business and drives traffic to the website through organic search results. Key concepts covered: document.querySelectorAll() addEventListener() forEach() classList.remove() classList.toggle() How to create a restaurant menu page In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a restaurant menu page that filters through the different food menus. This is a fun project that will teach you higher order functions like map, reduce, and filter. In Yazeed Bzadough's article on higher order functions, he states: the greatest benefit of HOFs is greater reusability. Key concepts covered: arrays objects forEach() DOMContentLoaded map, reduce, and filter innerHTML includes method How to create a video background In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a video background with a play and pause feature. This is a common feature found in a lot of websites. Key concepts covered: document.querySelector() addEventListener() classList.contains() classList.add() classList.remove() play() pause() How to create a navigation bar on scroll In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a navbar that slides down when scrolling and then stays at a fixed position at a certain height. This is a popular feature found on many professional websites. Key concepts covered: document.getElementById() getFullYear() getBoundingClientRect() slice method window.scrollTo() How to create tabs that display different content In this tutorial, you will learn how to create tabs that will display different content which is useful when creating single page applications. Key concepts covered: classList.add() classList.remove() forEach() addEventListener() How to create a countdown clock In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a countdown clock which can be used when a new product is coming out or a sale is about to end on an ecommerce site. Key concepts covered: getFullYear() getMonth() getDate() Math.floor() setInterval() clearInterval() How to create your own Lorem ipsum In this tutorial, you will learn how to create your own Lorem ipsum generator. Lorem ipsum is the go to placeholder text for websites. This is a fun project to show off your creativity and create your own text. Key concepts covered: parseInt() Math.floor() Math.random() isNaN() slice method event.preventDefault() How to create a grocery list In this tutorial, you will learn how to update and delete items from a grocery list and create a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) application. CRUD plays a very important role in developing full stack applications. Without it, you wouldn't be able to do things like edit or delete posts on your favorite social media platform. Key concepts covered: DOMContentLoaded new Date() createAttribute() setAttributeNode() appendChild() filter() map() How to create an image slider In this tutorial, you will learn how to build an image slider that you can add to any website. Key concepts covered: querySelectorAll() addEventListener() forEach() if/else statements How to create a Rock Paper Scissors game In this tutorial, Tenzin will teach you how to create a Rock Paper Scissors game. This is a fun project that will give more practice working with the DOM. Key concepts covered: addEventListener() Math.floor() Math.random() switch statements How to create a Simon Game In this tutorial, Beau Carnes will teach you how to create the classic Simon Game. This is a good project that will get you thinking about the different components behind the game and how you would build out each of those functionalities. Key concepts covered: querySelector() addEventListener() setInterval() clearInterval() setTimeout() play() Math.floor() Math.random() How to create a Platformer Game In this tutorial, Frank Poth will teach you how to build a platformer game. This project will introduce you to Object Oriented Programming principles and the Model, View, Controller software pattern. Key concepts covered: this keyword for loop switch statements OOP principles MVC pattern Canvas API How to create Doodle Jump and Flappy Bird In this video series, Ania Kubow will teach you how to build Doodle Jump and Flappy Bird. Building games are a fun way to learn more about JavaScript and will cover many popular JavaScript methods. Key concepts covered: createElement() forEach() setInterval() clearInterval() removeChild() appendChild() addEventListener() removeEventListener() How to create seven classi


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