Type of operating system

Type of operating system
There are many type of operating syste

Multi tasking
Time sharing
Batch processing and batch operating system

       This is the very important tool of any operating system
in this term the CPU perform many program at a one time what the help with the time sharing system
Multiprogramming means perform a job to a entire duration

Multi tasking
 The multi tasking a single user multi programming concept
this is very important tool to performing the two or more tasks in the multitasking system

in the multitasking system only one user can perform multi task at a one time performed with single user

Time sharing
               This is the common type and important operating system parts
      the time sharing system use of computer system means time sharing system the multiprogramming concept of systems

Batch operating system
            ab batch operating system is an operating system in which some type process batch together for execution it is the   rela tables faster than traditional

Multiprocessor (parallel processing)

          multiprocessing operating system referred to the use of two or more central processing unit with single computer system it is also called parallel processing


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